Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence: Applying Best Practice Guidelines

Best Practice Guidelines

With the current focus on evidence-based practice, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) reported that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) did not find enough evidence to recommend for or against routine screening for IPV/DV among the general population. However, the USPSTF reinforced the necessity for healthcare providers to be able to identify the signs and symptoms of IPV/DV, document the evidence, provide treatment for victims, and refer victims to counseling and social agencies that can provide assistance (Kass-Bartlesme, 2004).

Identifying IPV/DV in healthcare is critical. Many professional organizations recommend routine screening for IPV/DV. Among them are (Horner, 2005): the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the American Nurses Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Nurse Midwives, and National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.

A focus on outcomes in healthcare has helped to fuel the work of identifying best practice guidelines or evidence-based practice. Through the work of a panel of content experts, research review and literature review have helped to shape these guidelines. This process has yielded best practice guidelines for a number of different illnesses and conditions (see Resource section of this course for more information on these guidelines).

The federal government's National Guideline Clearinghouse, identifies guidelines for intervention in IPV/DV. They list The Family Violence Prevention Fund's 2004 publication of National Consensus Guidelines on Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence Victimization in Health Care Settings. The full reference appears in the Reference section of this course; the full guidelines can be retrieved from the Family Violence Prevention website at

These guidelines will be referred to as the Guidelines during this course. These Guidelines offer a variety of healthcare professionals, working in a variety of healthcare settings, the ability to address IPV/DV. Responses to intimate partner victims are most efficient and effective when coordinated in a multi-disciplinary manner and in collaboration with IPV/DV advocates so that no single provider is responsible for the entire intervention.

In order to effectively be able to identify and respond to IPV/DV, healthcare providers must have information and training on the subject. They need to be able to feel comfortable asking a patient about IPV/DV and they need to feel as though they have something to offer the patient, once IPV/DV is disclosed.

Training sessions funded by AHRQ improved primary care providers' confidence in asking and treating victims of domestic violence. Providers who participated in the training increased their screening for domestic violence from 3.5 percent prior to the training program to 20.5 percent after training. Upon completion of the training sessions, participants stated they (Kass-Bartlesme, 2004):

  • Felt less fear of offending patients by asking about domestic violence.
  • Had less fear for their own safety.
  • Asked patients more often about possible domestic violence.
  • Offered strategies to abusers to seek help.
  • Provided strategies so victims could change their situation.
  • Had better access to information on managing domestic violence.
  • Had methods to ask abusers about domestic violence while minimizing the risk to the victims.

Using a public health model, that has been effective in treating other conditions and illnesses (for example, smoking cessation, drinking and driving campaigns, immunizations, etc.), it is the routine inquiry and assessment that can identify IPV/DV. Making routine inquiry and assessment of IPV/DV a routine part of healthcare history and examination, reinforces the role of healthcare providers in IPV/DV and gives the patient information about where to receive assistance if she chooses. Even if patients choose not to disclose the abuse, they know that the healthcare provider can be approached about the subject in the future.


The Guidelines recommend that all adolescent and adult patients are routinely assessed for IPV/DV. These women want help. Some studies have shown that approximately 70 to 81 percent of survivors of abuse want their health care professionals to ask them about domestic abuse during their appointments (USDHHS, 2008). Patients should be asked about current and lifetime exposure to IPV/DV victimization. Direct questions about physical, emotional and sexual abuse should be asked. Due to the long term consequences of IPV/DV on health, the Guidelines recommend integrating assessment for current and lifetime exposure into routine care. They acknowledge that in some settings lifetime exposure assessment may be limited due to time constraints, such as emergency departments or urgent care facilities.

Inquiry for past and present IPV/DV should occur:

  • As part of the routine health history (e.g. social history/review of systems);
  • As part of the standard health assessment (or at every encounter in urgent care);
  • During every new patient encounter;
  • During periodic comprehensive health visits (assess for current IPV/DV victimization only);
  • During a visit for a new chief complaint (assess for current IPV/DV victimization only);
  • At every new intimate relationship (assess for current IPVDV victimization only);
  • When signs and symptoms raise concerns or at other times at the provider's discretion.

Assessment for IPV/DV should be:

  • Conducted routinely, regardless of the presence or absence of indicators of abuse;
  • Conducted verbally as part of a face-to-face health care encounter;
  • Included in written or computer based health questionnaires;
  • Direct and nonjudgmental using language that is culturally/linguistically appropriate;
  • Conducted in private: no friends, relatives (except children under 3) or caregivers should be present;
  • Confidential: prior to inquiry, patients should be informed of any reporting requirements or other limits to provider/patient confidentiality;
  • Assisted, if needed, by interpreters who have been trained to ask about abuse and who do not know the patient or the patient's partner, caregiver, friends or family socially.

The goals of the assessment are to:

  • Create a supportive environment in which the patient can discuss the abuse;
  • Enable the provider to gather information about health problems associated with the abuse; and
  • Assess the immediate and long-term health and safety needs for the patient in order to develop and implement a response.

The timing of assessment is important:

  • Initial assessment should occur immediately after disclosure;
  • Repeat and/or expanded assessments should occur during follow-up appointments;
  • At least one follow-up appointment (or referral) should be offered after disclosure of current or past abuse with health care provider, social worker or DV advocate.

Continue on to Best Practice Guidelines for IPV/DV, Con't.