Child Abuse and Maltreatment/Neglect: Identification and Reporting
New York State Mandatory Training

Chapter Thirteen - Conclusion

Chapter 1: Who Are the Mandated Reporters?

Chapter 2: Abuse and Maltreatment/Neglect Have Many Presentations

Chapter 3: The Disturbing Statistics

Chapter 4: Legal Definitions Related to Child Maltreatment

Chapter 5: Recognizing Child Abuse

Chapter 6: Risk Factors Contributing to Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Chapter 7: Protective Factors for Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Chapter 8: The Consequences of Child Abuse

Chapter 9: Perpetrators of Child Abuse

Chapter 10: Dos and Don'ts Regarding Talking with Children about Possible Abuse or Maltreatment

Chapter 11: Reporting Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Chapter 12: The Abandoned Infant Protection Act



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Because mandated reporters work in professional capacities in many occupations that interface with children, New Yorkers are counting on you to recognize child abuse and maltreatment/neglect, in all its forms, when you see it. Once identified, New Yorkers are counting on mandated reporters to report their suspicions to the SCR. It is critical that all mandated reporters understand their legal responsibility to report, as well as take on the professional and ethical responsibility to stop the abuse and maltreatment/neglect and end the suffering of children.

Ken Hammond, USDA

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