Comprehensive Overview of HIV/AIDS:
State of Kentucky Mandatory Training

Management of HIV in the Healthcare Workplace

Although HIV infection affects people from all ethnic groups, genders, ages, and income levels, some groups have been significantly affected by the AIDS epidemic. These groups have included men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, people with hemophilia, women, and people of color. The difference with the grief process associated with HIV and AIDS can be the social and emotional issues associated with contracting the disease. The following information details how these different populations may be uniquely affected by the AIDS epidemic.

Men Who Have Sex With Men

Despite gains in human rights, our American society still has issues with men who have sex with men. Grief may not be validated when relationships are considered "unacceptable." An example of this may be the reaction of churches to those who are living with, or have families living with AIDS. Many congregants report that they do not get the support they need from their church families because of the stigma attached to HIV, AIDS and to men who have sex with men.

Self-esteem issues and psychological issues (including depression, anxiety, diagnosed mental illness and risk-taking behaviors) may also complicate the lives of these men. Additionally, there are the issues with HIV-negative men who have sex with men. Most of the attention, resources and services are focused on HIV-positive men. As with any behavior change people can become "tired" with safer sex messages, and may make choices that place them at risk. Some may feel that HIV infection is inevitable (although it is not) and purposely engage in unprotected sex.

Injecting Drug Users

American society also has issues with illegal drug use and the way we view marginalized individuals such as those in poverty and the homeless. Drug users are also stigmatized. People who continue to use injecting drugs, despite warnings and information about risks, may be viewed by some as "deserving" their infection. However, it is important to remember that addiction is an illness and rarely does "just say no" work to stop the addiction; indeed it trivializes the seriousness of addiction.

Harm reduction measures like syringe exchange programs, have been proven to reduce the transmission of blood-borne pathogens like HIV, HBV, and HCV. These programs are controversial because some people believe that providing clean needles and a place to exchange used needles constitutes "approval" of injection drug use.

In addition to poverty, self-esteem issues and psychological issues, including depression, anxiety, diagnosed mental illness and risk-taking behaviors, may also complicate the lives of injection drug users. The desire to stop using illegal drugs and the ability to do so may be very far apart. The reality about inpatient treatment facilities is there are very few spaces available for the demand. Many injecting drug users are placed on "waiting lists" when they want treatment, and by the time there is a place for them, the individual may be lost to follow-up.

People with Hemophilia

Hemophiliacs lack the ability to produce certain blood clotting factors. Before the advent of antihemophilic factor concentrates (products like "factor VIII" and "factor IX," which are clotting material pooled out of donated blood plasma), hemophiliacs could bleed to death. These concentrates allowed hemophiliacs to receive injections of the clotting factors that they lacked, which in turn allowed them to lead relatively normal lives. Unfortunately, because the raw materials for these concentrates came from donated blood, many hemophiliacs were infected with HIV prior to the advent of blood testing.

During the 1980's, prior to routine testing of the blood supply, 90% of severe hemophiliacs contracted HIV and/or HCV through use of these products. There is anger within this community because there is evidence to show that the companies manufacturing the concentrates knew their products might be contaminated, but continued to distribute them anyway.

While some people considered hemophiliacs to be "innocent victims" of HIV, there had been significant discrimination against them. The Ryan White Care Act, funding HIV services, and the Ricky Ray Act, which provides compensation to hemophiliacs infected with HIV, were both named after HIV-positive hemophiliacs who suffered significant discrimination (arson, refusal of admittance to grade school, etc.) in their hometowns.


Certain strains of HIV may infect women more easily. The strain of HIV present in Thailand seems to transmit more easily to women through sexual intercourse.

Researchers believe that women and receptive partners are more easily infected with HIV, compared to the insertive partner. Receptive partners are at greater risk for transmission of any sexually transmitted disease, including HIV.

Women infected with HIV are at increased risk for a number of gynecological problems, including pelvic inflammatory disease, abscesses of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and recurrent yeast infections. Some studies have found that HIV-infected women have a higher prevalence of infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). Cervical dysplasia is a precancerous condition of the cervix cause by certain strains of HPV. Cervical dysplasia in HIV-infected women often becomes more aggressive as the woman's immune system declines. This may lead to invasive cervical carcinoma, which is an AIDS-indicator condition. It is important for women with HIV to have more frequent Pap tests.

Several studies have shown that women with HIV in the U.S. receive less health care services and HIV medications, compared to men. This may be because women aren't diagnosed or tested as frequently as men.

The number of women with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection and AIDS has been increasing steadily worldwide. By the end of 2003, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 19.2 million women were living with HIV/AIDS worldwide, accounting for approximately 50 percent of the 40 million adults living with HIV/AIDS (NIAID, 2004).

Figure 1. Proportion of AIDS Cases among Female Adults and Adolescents, by Transmission Category 2003-United States (CDC, 2005e).

CDC estimates that 71% of the 11,498 AIDS cases diagnosed among female adults and adolescents in 2003 can be attributed to heterosexual transmission: 13% of these cases are from heterosexual contact with an injection drug user and 58% from sexual contact with high-risk partners such as bisexual men or HIV-infected men with unidentified risk factors (CDC, 2005e). Of the cases in female adults and adolescents, 27% were attributed to injection drug use and 2% to other or unidentified risk factors (CDC, 2005e).

Worldwide, more than 90 percent of all adolescent and adult HIV infections have resulted from heterosexual intercourse. Women are particularly vulnerable to heterosexual transmission of HIV due to substantial mucosal exposure to seminal fluids. This biological fact amplifies the risk of HIV transmission when coupled with the high prevalence of non-consensual sex, sex without condom use due to some women's inability to negotiate safer sex practices with their partners, and the unknown and/or high-risk behaviors of their partners (NIAID, 2004).

Younger women are also increasingly being diagnosed with HIV infection, particularly among African-Americans and Hispanics. Through December 2002, women aged 25 and younger accounted for 9.8 percent of the female AIDS cases reported to CDC (NIAID, 2004).

HIV disproportionately affects African-American and Hispanic women. Together they represent less than 25 percent of all U.S. women, yet they account for more than 82 percent of AIDS cases in women (NIAID, 2004).

Women suffer from the same complications of AIDS that afflict men but also suffer gender-specific manifestations of HIV disease, such as recurrent vaginal yeast infections and severe pelvic inflammatory disease, which increase their risk of cervical cancer. Women also exhibit different characteristics from men for many of the same complications of antiretroviral therapy, such as metabolic abnormalities (NIAID, 2004).

Frequently, women with HIV infection have great difficulty accessing healthcare; they may postpone taking medication, or going to their own medical appointments because of the heavy burden of caring for children and other family members who may also be HIV-infected. They often lack social support and face other challenges that may interfere with their ability to adhere to treatment regimens (NIAID, 2004). Women (and also men) may fear disclosing their HIV status to others, out of fear of losing their jobs, housing, or other forms of discrimination. Single parents with HIV may feel particularly fearful because of their lack of support.

Many women have problems with lack of transportation, lack of health insurance, limited education and low income. They may have child-care problems that prevent them from going to medical appointments.

Many women who have HIV infection do not consider this to be their "worst problem". Their symptoms may be mild and manageable for many years. Meanwhile, they may have more pressing concerns, such as their income, housing, access to medical care, possible abusive relationships, and concerns about their children.

Continue on to Select Populations and HIV/AIDS, Con't.